Month: March 2019
Draft map West Procter fuel management area Feb2019
West Procter Fuel Management Area TUs overview Feb2019
HPCC is developing fuel reduction plans for a 140-hectare area above Procter. This area at the top of Victor Road was high-graded (heavily logged, removing most the valuable timber) approximately 30 to 40 years ago. It has regenerated primarily to very dense hemlock and now represents a very high fire hazard.
Our plans are to thin the forest to reduce the fire hazard and encourage the growth of more fire- and drought-tolerant trees and shrubs.
Draft map West Harrop Fuel Management unit March 2019
West_Harrop_Fuel_Mangagement_2019_Community overview map
HPCC is developing plans for fuel reduction in the Kosma Road area at the top of Lewis Road. We are planning to expand on the work already completed in this area, and extend a fuel break to the West Arm Park boundary. This fuel break is intended to protect Harrop from a fire approaching from the southwest.