Year: 2022

Year: 2022

Happy Holidays from HPCC!

Happy Holidays from all of the Board & Staff at the Harrop Procter Community Co-operative, the Harrop Procter Watershed Protection Society, and Harrop Procter Forest Products!

Please note: the HPFP Mill will be closing for the holidays on December 17th, 2022 and re-opening on January 3rd, 2023.

Webinar with Climate Risk Institute

Webinar with Climate Risk Institute

HPCC Forest Manager, Erik Leslie, will be giving a webinar with the Climate Risk Institute on Thursday, November 10, 2022.

From the Climate Risk Institute:
We’re excited to announce that we have an upcoming Forestry Adaptation Practitioners’ Network (FAPN) webinar on Climate Change Adaptation in Action in the Harrop–Procter Community Forest! Presented by Harrop-Procter Community Co-operative’s Community Forest Manager and Resource Consultant Erik Leslie, RPF, this webinar focuses on a climate change adaptation case study that demonstrates how to integrate climate science and risk assessment into tangible forest management decision-making. This case study has an applied and practical focus that is oriented towards forest managers and decision makers.

For more information and to register:

To join the FAPN platform and access resources and practitioners involved in forestry adaption:

20 + 2 Anniversary Celebration Photos

Many thanks to all who attended our “20 + 2” Anniversary Celebration! The event would not have been possible without the contributions of our volunteers and staff. Thank you to the fabulous live band and also to Ursula Heller for these photos – she is wonderfully gifted at capturing candid moments on camera.

HPCC Request for Proposal

The Harrop Procter Community Cooperative (HPCC) is inviting expressions of interest from experienced consultants for an operations review of the Harrop Procter Forest Products (HPFP) sawmill. 

The sawmill processes timber from HPCC community forest operations, and other forestry operations in the region, and has been in operation for more than a decade.   As part of the implementation of HPCC’s Strategic Plan, an operational review will help to inform priority setting, consideration of operational efficiencies and new planning to respond to opportunities and risks in the future.

This phase of operational review is anticipated to include:

  • Identification of opportunities for efficiencies from workflow redesign, including management and staff duties.
  • Options for consideration, such as:
    • Equipment scenarios to meet the needs of the mill over the coming period, including identification of replacement priorities and suggested timing
    • Operational scenarios to respond to softening of the market
    • Physical layout of buildings and property
    • Waste management issues and opportunities
  • A recommended action plan

Interested consultants are asked to submit a brief expression of interest by August 31 outlining their experience and background relevant to the project, and a proposed approach to the review with a value not to exceed $15,000 to The work is anticipated to be done over the fall/early winter of this year.  A more detailed project outline is attached.

For more information, contact Carly Dow at

HPCC “20 + 2” Anniversary Celebration

Dear Community,

The Harrop-Procter Community Co-operative is pleased to invite you to our “20 + 2” Anniversary Celebration! We were unable to gather with you all two years ago due to the pandemic, but we are thrilled to do so this year. We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate the Past, Present and Future of our local community forest.

Saturday, August 27th 2022


Procter Schoolhouse Grounds

  • FREE Burger or Brat and beverage + cake
  • Live Music
  • Presentations from the HPCC Forest Manager

This celebration is for the local residents of Harrop/Procter and will happen rain or shine. Please bring your own chair or blanket!

See you then!

Harrop-Procter Watershed Protection Society 2022 AGM

The Harrop-Procter Watershed Protection Society’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday July 20, 2022 at 7PM.

We will be meeting at the Harrop Procter Community Co-operative office at 284 3rd Avenue in Procter.

The meeting can also be attended via Zoom at the following link:
Meeting ID: 884 1862 8570

Our Agenda will include:

  • President’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Forestry & Value-added Report
  • Question Period
  • Nomination and Elections                 

The Society ensures that the Community Forest’s day-to-day operations are undertaken with water protection and other ecological values in mind. The HPWPS has a need for willing Directors and volunteers to promote the Society’s objectives and healthy watersheds in our community. We urge you to consider joining us as a Director or volunteer!

We look forward to seeing you and sharing more about HPWPS initiatives this year.   

Individual and family HPWPS memberships are annual and can be renewed at the commencement of the AGM.