Month: June 2021

Month: June 2021

Visual impacts of fuel treatments above Procter

The Community Co-operative is continuing our wildfire risk reduction work above Harrop and Procter.  Some of this work is visible from the North Shore and Balfour areas.  We always try to minimize visual impacts but on steeper terrain some of our work is visible, as can be seen in the attached image taken from the Balfour ferry terminal. 

The 400-acre area immediately above Procter was heavily logged in the 1970’s and has grown back as a very dense cedar-hemlock forest that presents an extreme fire risk for the Procter community.  HPCC currently has crews working to reduce the fuels in this area.

For those who are interested, attached is a summary of the rationale for HPCC managing the area above Procter to a ‘Partial Retention’ instead of a ‘Retention’ visual quality objective. 

If you have any questions on concerns, please contact Erik Leslie at